After reading an article in the Guardian lately (18th February 2008, ‘9/11 ripped the bandage off
The article by Decca Aitkenhead focused on Susan Faludi’s new book ‘The Terror Dream: What 9/11 Revealed about
Yet what Susan Faludi’s book is saying isn’t particularly new or even original, it just seems to be the right time for people to accept this somewhat sensitive cultural critique. What IS interesting here is linking up these gender roles that were setup in the direct aftermath of 9/11 and recognizing their serious impact on national security policies. This important link has been debated widely in feminist and Critical Security studies journals such as International Feminist Journal of Politics and International Studies Perspectives. Many feminists such as Iris Marion Young, Meghana Nayak and Ann Tickner have analysed the impact of 9/11 on
The ‘traditional’ gender roles that emerged post-9/11 of male heroes and helpless females encouraged aggressive national security policies which were essentially built on these gendered ideals. Consequently, the concept of the manly man and ‘masculinist protection’ formed a justification for the security regime and foreign policies that emerged in the
Hence these gendered roles transfer male protector and subordinate female gender roles to the state as protector and subordinate citizenship.[6] This protective subordination explains how government leaders are able to expand their arbitrary powers, restrict democratic freedom whilst citizens are happy to accept their actions.[7] They feel the need to be protected both from within from internal enemies through constant surveillance and also protected from an external aggressor outside.[8] Thus, conviction in the inherent ‘goodness’ of the government as a masculinist protector has justified the centralizing executive powers at home, wars of domination abroad, and the general slide to an authoritarian security state.[9]
[1] 18th February 2008, ‘9/11 ripped the bandage off
[2] 18th February 2008, ‘9/11 ripped the bandage off
[3] 18th February 2008, ‘9/11 ripped the bandage off
[4] Young, Iris Marion., ‘Feminist Reactions to the Contemporary Security Regime'. Hypatia 18, no.1 (Winter 2003):223.
[5] Young, Iris Marion, ‘The Logic of Masculinist Protection: Reflections on the
[6] Young, Iris Marion, ‘The Logic of Masculinist Protection: Reflections on the
[7] Young, Iris Marion, ‘The Logic of Masculinist Protection: Reflections on the
[8] Young, Iris Marion, ‘The Logic of Masculinist Protection: Reflections on the
[9] Young, Iris Marion, ‘The Logic of Masculinist Protection: Reflections on the